我已经研究了几个小时的 Facebook API,并搜索了很多页面。但我无法找到获取帖子列表的方式,就像我在 Facebook 应用程序上的时间线一样。

我想制作一个 Web 应用程序来显示我的时间线帖子,就像 Flipboard 一样。我找到了一个 API 来获取我的“故事”和“我的朋友列表”。但我什至无法想象如何检索我的时间轴上显示的朋友帖子。

是否无法在我的网络应用程序上复制我的时间线?只有 Flipboard 可以做到吗?你有什么提示吗?


3 回答 3


To access the current User's News Feed use the "User/Home" request as described in the API Documentation.

In order to gain access to the User's News Feed you will be required to gain the "read_stream" permission. For information on how to request the appropriate permission, read the Login, authorization and permissions section of the Getting Started guide.

The request to me/home will return an array of News Feed items, which are comprised of statuses, pictures, likes, etc. You can see an example of the result by using the Graph API Explorer.

Compare the results to your Timeline and they should be nearly identical (currently I believe Ads/Promoted Posts are excluded from the API)"

于 2013-09-16T20:06:52.963 回答

玩转 Graph API Explorer:


我必须更改应用程序中的权限,并专门给自己“read_stream”访问权限,但一旦完成,我就能够运行“ /me/home ”图形 API GET 请求并返回我的时间线的表示。祝你好运!

于 2013-12-03T17:29:51.677 回答

es de esta manera para poder obtener el 时间线,saludos:


$fb = new Facebook('{config}');
    $request = $fb->get('/me?fields=feed.limit(10000){link}');
 $graphObject = $request->getGraphNode();
return $graphObject;
于 2016-02-03T21:50:31.160 回答