Following is how I populate my jqTreeView.


    new JQTreeView
        DataUrl = Url.Action("RenderTree"),
        Height = Unit.Pixel(500),
        Width = Unit.Pixel(150),
        HoverOnMouseOver = false,
        MultipleSelect = false,
        ClientSideEvents = new TreeViewClientSideEvents()

   function spawnTabAction(args, event) {


    public JsonResult RenderTree()
        var tree = new JQTreeView();

        List<JQTreeNode> nodes = new List<JQTreeNode>();

        nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Products", Value="Product/Product/Index" });
        FolderNode fNode = new FolderNode { Text = "Customers" };
        fNode.Nodes.Add(new LeafNode() { Text = "Today's Customers", Value = "Customer/Customer/Today" });
        nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Suppliers", Value = "Supplier/Supplier/Index" });
        nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Employees", Value = "Employee/Employee/Index" });
        nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Orders", Value = "Order/Order/Index" });

        return tree.DataBind(nodes);

What I want to do is spawn a tab based on the Value of the selected node. I tried a lot but couldn't get hold of the selected node's value.

Later I checked the DOM of rendered page and found that the value is nowhere added to the node but magically when I select the node the value appears in a hidden control by the name treeview_selectedState (treeview being the id of the control). I even traced all ajax calls but couldn't find anything.

Questions: 1) Where does it keep the Values of tree nodes? 2) How do I get the Selected Node's value in select event?

I even tried to get the treeview_selectedState control's value in select event but it returned []. Then I added a button the view and hooked that onto a js function and found the value there. It makes me think that the value is not available in select event, am I right in thinking that?

I don't think getting selected node's value should be a this big deal? Am I missing something very obvious?

Thanks, A


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    function spawnTabAction(args, event) {



于 2013-05-16T04:27:35.820 回答