我们在项目中使用 Lift + Mapper(2.4 版)。我们也在使用每请求事务模式S.addAround(DB.buildLoanWrapper())
import net.liftweb.db.{DefaultConnectionIdentifier, DB}
import akka.dispatch.Future
* Will create a new transaction if none is in progress and commit it upon completion or rollback on exceptions.
* If a transaction already exists, it has no effect, the block will execute in the context
* of the existing transaction. The commit/rollback is handled in this case by the parent transaction block.
def inTransaction[T](f: ⇒ T): T = DB.use(DefaultConnectionIdentifier)(conn ⇒ f)
* Causes a new transaction to begin and commit after the block’s execution,
* or rollback if an exception occurs. Invoking a transaction always cause a new one to be created,
* even if called in the context of an existing transaction.
def transaction[T](f: ⇒ T): T = Future(DB.use(DefaultConnectionIdentifier)(conn ⇒ f)).get