I am implementing ElasticSearch in a Ruby-on-Rails 2.3 application with the RubberBand gem. I am trying to return facets but I can't seem to find methods that I can use for this purpose. I've looked through the documentation and source.

Does anyone know if it's possible with rubberband?


1 回答 1


This issue might have what you are looking for:


q = {
  "query"=> {
    "filtered"=> {
      "query"=> { 
        "match_all"=> {}
      "filter"=> {
        "term"=> {
          "client_id"=> "717",
          "product_id"=> "1"
  "facets"=> {
    "shipped_to_state_counts"=> {
      "terms"=> {
        "field"=> "state",
        "size"=> "500"

EDIT: (simpler query, lucene syntax)

NOTE: These are not the same queries, per elasticsearch documentation:

There’s one important distinction to keep in mind. While search queries restrict both the returned documents and facet counts, search filters restrict only returned documents — but not facet counts.

q = {
  "query"=> {
    "query_string"=> {
      "query"=> "client_id:717 AND product_id:1"
  "facets"=> {
    "shipped_to_state_counts"=> {
      "terms"=> {
        "field"=> "state",
        "size"=> "500"


results = client.search(q)
facets = results.facets

  "shipped_to_state_counts"=> {
    "_type"=> "terms",
    "missing"=> 0,
    "total"=> 1873274,
    "other"=> 0,
    "terms"=> [
        "term"=> "MO",
        "count"=> 187327
        "term"=> "FL",
        "count"=> 17327
于 2013-05-15T21:16:08.027 回答