正如我所建议的,我通过在表中添加额外的列来解决这个问题。对于每个单元格,都会添加带有颜色(或其他)信息的单元格。当数据网格打开时,它会读取添加的单元格并根据额外单元格中的信息决定基本单元格的颜色。这是我设计的测试程序的完整工作代码:(要运行,请使用 DataGridView 'fareGrid' 和 3 个 NumUpDown 控件构建一个 WinForm)(我仍然对不起作用的颜色有问题(请参阅代码中的注释) ),但我会将其作为一个单独的问题发布)。这是计算每个使用时间(星期几、小时、季节)的可变电能成本的程序的一小部分
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Windows.Forms;
//This is a test program to do the following:
//1. Build an empty data table of 26 rows by 6 columns.
//2. The Table is the DataSource to a DataGridView.
//3. The DataGrid Colomns 0-3 can be filled with decimals by one of 3 NumericUpDown controls.
//3. For each cell in cols 0-2 there is one in cols 3-5 that holds info which NumUpDn was used.
//4. Each NumUpDn has specific color. The corresponding cells have the same backcolor.
//5. When the program starts, it builds the table from the Settings, and displays the table in the datagrid.
//6. The cells in cols 0-2 are supposed to get the colors ad indicated in cols 3-5, but they do not.
namespace DataGridViewTest
public partial class Form1 : Form
DataTable fareTable = new DataTable();
int rowIndex;
int colIndex;
public Form1()
// Load the table (if exists)
if (Properties.Settings.Default.fareTable != null)
fareTable = Properties.Settings.Default.fareTable;
//Build the initial data table of 26R X 6C
//Columns 3-5 are used to hold the color information of cols 0-2
public void buildFareTable(string fareTableName)
fareTable.TableName = fareTableName;
fareTable.Columns.Add("Weekday", typeof(Decimal));
fareTable.Columns.Add("HalfDay", typeof(Decimal));
fareTable.Columns.Add("Weekend", typeof(Decimal));
//Adding 3 indexing columns that will hold the tables cell group
fareTable.Columns.Add("IWeekday", typeof(String));
fareTable.Columns.Add("IHalfDay", typeof(String));
fareTable.Columns.Add("Iweekend", typeof(String));
for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < 26; rowIndex++)
public void paintFareTableCells(DataTable fareTable)
fareDataGrid.DataSource = fareTable;
for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < 26; rowIndex++)
for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < 3; colIndex++)
switch (fareTable.Rows[rowIndex][colIndex + 3].ToString()) //Check the color index columns 3-5
case "low": fareDataGrid[colIndex, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Green;
case "med": fareDataGrid[colIndex, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
case "high": fareDataGrid[colIndex, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
// Diagnostics: Check cell's color. At this point, Colors are OK!
Color color = fareDataGrid[colIndex, rowIndex].Style.BackColor;
//Update the cells by 3 NumUpDn controls.
private void numericUpDownFareHigh_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void numericUpDownFareMed_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void numericUpDownFareLow_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void editFareTableCells(Object sender)
foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in fareDataGrid.SelectedCells)
if (cell.ColumnIndex < 3)
cell.Value = ((NumericUpDown)sender).Value;
cell.Style.BackColor = ((NumericUpDown)sender).BackColor;
fareDataGrid[cell.ColumnIndex + 3, cell.RowIndex].Value = ((NumericUpDown)sender).Tag; //Uses cols 3-5 to hold cost level info.
//Use settings to preserve the data
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
Properties.Settings.Default.fareTable = this.fareTable;