a question about Liferay configuration..

I have found it:

If you want to expose multiple websites with different domain names from the same portal installation then you will have to create multiple portal instances. Portal instance can be created from liferay control panel. The data for all the instances resides on the same database. Every table in liferay has a column - companyId. For each portal instance there is a unique companyID. This id is ued to distinguish data for multiple websites. You can use sharding technique if we want to physically store data for different instances into different databases.

Is possible to create many Liferay instances with separate - data and users data (for login) shared in all liferay instances?


1 回答 1



  1. 有 3 个门户实例:C1、C2 和 C3
  2. 每个实例都有用户:C1U1、C1U2、C2U1、C2U2、C2U3、C3U2 等。这些用户将只能登录到他们各自的实例。

那么现在你想创建几个像 U1、U2、U3 等可以登录所有 3 个 liferay 实例的用户?也就是说,它们将在所有 3 个 liferay 实例之间共享,还是独立于 3 个实例?

在同样的意义上,您是否希望创建对所有 3 个 liferay 实例的用户都可见的博客、Wiki 等?


所有实例都用 分隔companyId,这companyId存在于 Liferay 的所有数据库表中,用于分隔门户实例之间的数据。

根据Portal Instances 的文档



于 2013-05-15T10:38:21.090 回答