java中有没有办法检查某个方法是否在另一个方法中被调用?我正在测试一个类和我在播放声音时遇到问题的方法,并且几乎没有办法在不更改代码的情况下获取播放的音频文件(内部类中的私有属性)。然而,该方法播放声音的方式是调用播放单个声音的方法(playSadMusic、playHappyMusic 等)。这些方法位于我必须为其创建模拟对象的接口中。我对如何进行测试有点困惑。有什么想法吗?除了检查是否调用了某个方法之外,关于我如何测试它的任何其他想法都是受欢迎的。
我正在使用 JMock 2.6.0 和 JUnit 4
public interface StockTickerAudioInterface {
public abstract void playHappyMusic();
public abstract void playSadMusic();
public abstract void playErrorMusic();
public interface StockQuoteGeneratorInterface {
public abstract StockQuoteInterface getCurrentQuote() throws Exception;
public abstract String getSymbol();
public abstract void setSymbol(String symbol);
public abstract StockQuoteGeneratorInterface createNewInstance(String symbol);
public class StockQuoteAnalyzer {
private StockTickerAudioInterface audioPlayer = null;
private String symbol;
private StockQuoteGeneratorInterface stockQuoteSource = null;
private StockQuoteInterface lastQuote = null;
private StockQuoteInterface currentQuote = null;
public StockQuoteAnalyzer(String symbol,
StockQuoteGeneratorInterface stockQuoteSource,
StockTickerAudioInterface audioPlayer)
throws InvalidStockSymbolException, NullPointerException,
StockTickerConnectionError {
// Check the validity of the symbol.
if (StockTickerListing.getSingleton().isValidTickerSymbol(symbol) == true){
this.symbol = symbol;
} else {
throw new InvalidStockSymbolException("Symbol " + symbol
+ "not found.");
if (stockQuoteSource == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The source for stock quotes can not be null");
this.stockQuoteSource = stockQuoteSource;
this.audioPlayer = audioPlayer;
public double getChangeSinceLast() {
double retVal = 0.0;
if (this.lastQuote != null) {
double delta = this.currentQuote.getLastTrade() - this.lastQuote.getLastTrade();
retVal = 100 * (delta / this.lastQuote.getLastTrade());
return retVal;
public double getChangeSinceYesterday() {
double delta = (this.currentQuote.getLastTrade() - this.currentQuote
return 100 * (delta / this.currentQuote.getClose());
public void playAppropriateAudio() {
if ((this.getChangeSinceYesterday() > 2)
|| (this.getChangeSinceLast() > 0.5)) {
if ((this.getChangeSinceYesterday() < -2)
|| (this.getChangeSinceLast() < -0.5)) {