This is more of a best practices/ease of upkeep question.

I have several webpages where I would like to make browsing easier. So, to do that I am going to use Fragment identifiers (internal links). Here is an example of some of my HTML:

     <h1>Name of WebPage</h1>
          <h2>Section One</h2>
               Here is the content of my Section one.

          <h2>Section Two</h2>
               Here is the content of my Section two.

          <h2>Section Three</h2>
               Here is the content of my Section three.

          ....(may have additional h2 sections)

These webpages can be hard to navigate if there are dozens of h2 tags. I hope to use a side menu bar that utilizes Fragment Identifiers to link to 'Section One', 'Section Two', 'Section Three', etc.

Now, I need to convert this html code to use Fragment Identifiers, but before I go about changing this code, I wanted to get some additional thoughts on how I should do this.

I have a couple options:

1) Manual change the

<h2> NameOfH2 </h2>   


<h2 id='NameOfH2'> NameOfH2 </h2>

Then, add the Fragment Identifier links in the side menu manually.

2) Manual change the

<h2> NameOfH2 </h2>


<h2 id='NameOfH2'> NameOfH2 </h2>

Then, use Javascript to build the side menu bar's Fragment Identifier links every time the page loads.

I would like to use method 2, so that as I add more content to my pages, it will automatically show up in the side menu bar, but I wanted to see if there was any reason I should not do this.

Also, I have a ton of tags to edit, and was wondering if you guys had any thoughts on how I should add the id's to the html. Right now, I am considering writing a program to go through each page and edit each tag, but I wanted to see if a solution already exists out there.

Thanks for any help in advance!


1 回答 1


如果您不介意内部链接仅在启用 JavaScript 时有效,您可以使用 JavaScript 生成 TOC 和片段标识符。

PPK 有一个脚本可以做到这一点:http ://www.quirksmode.org/dom/toc.html

如果您需要它在关闭 JS 的情况下工作,您可以生成 TOC 和 IDs 服务器端。

于 2013-05-15T06:17:02.113 回答