我在 Rails 3 应用程序和新的 sphinx 2.1.1-beta 上安装 Thinking sphinx 3,在此之前我有 Thinking sphinx 2 和 sphinx 2.1.1-beta,它们可以很好地port: 3312添加sphinx.yml

但是现在当我添加port: 3312thinking_sphinx.yml我得到了结果

rake ts:start

Failed to start searchd daemon. Check myapp/log/development.searchd.log.

Failed to start searchd. Check the log files for more information.


[Wed May 15 12:17:34.010 2013] [ 2480] binlog: replaying log /myapp/tmp/binlog/development/binlog.001

[Wed May 15 12:17:34.010 2013] [ 2480] binlog: replay stats: 0 rows in 0 commits; 0 updates; 0 indexes

[Wed May 15 12:17:34.010 2013] [ 2480] binlog: finished replaying /myapp/tmp/binlog/development/binlog.001; 0.0 MB in 0.000 sec

[Wed May 15 12:17:34.011 2013] [ 2480] binlog: finished replaying total 10 in 0.001 sec

[Wed May 15 12:17:34.012 2013] [ 2480] FATAL: listen() failed: Address already in use

[Wed May 15 12:17:34.455 2013] [ 2480] shutdown complete

[Wed May 15 12:17:34.469 2013] [ 2479] Child process 2480 has been finished, exit code   1. Watchdog finishes also. Good bye!

当我删除port: 3312thinking_sphinx.yml我得到


[Wed May 15 12:23:44.040 2013] [ 2527] Child process 2528 has been forked

[Wed May 15 12:23:44.389 2013] [ 2528] listening on

[Wed May 15 12:23:44.390 2013] [ 2528] bind() failed on, retrying...

[Wed May 15 12:24:20.446 2013] [ 2528] FATAL: bind() failed on Address already in use

[Wed May 15 12:24:20.478 2013] [ 2527] Child process 2528 has been finished, exit code 1. Watchdog finishes also. Good bye!

1 回答 1


现在port设置为mysql41(因为 TS v3 使用 Sphinx 的 Mysql41 协议而不是旧的二进制协议)。将其更改为,确保您没有运行任何旧的 searchd 进程,这应该可以解决问题。

于 2013-05-15T03:06:51.350 回答