Hi I really could do with a point in the right direction with this question.
I'm trying to fathom object orientated javascript, but am having trouble getting my head around binding dom elements to objects.
I would like to make a little animated widget type thing for my web page. the widget will be just simple drop down tabs , (like tabs from an actual folder) I want the tab to drop down a bit with a mouseover event then raise up with mouseout.
here is my current implementation, it doesnt work well at the moment it's just a mock up http://bombinglish.com/
I want to make a class for the tabs , which will include the open and close animation methods, methos to add events, and other necessary fields. then instanciate a new object for each tab. but how do I do I tell each object that it must must respond to the corresponding mouse events, or to put it another way how do I bind the DOM element to the object?