更新:我收到这个 php 错误:尝试在这一行获取非对象的属性:if ($card->name == $fileRef){
我正在使用__construct(x='') { definition }
和调用函数在 php 中构造一个对象$var = new Object('string');
构造函数接收与相应的“file.php”相关的字符串,即“file”。json 文件中包含该类的所有可用 file.php 的目录,其中包含目录信息。
我发现了一个错误,也许是我的语法?... 两天了,想去荡秋千吗?
public function __construct($ctitle = '')
$fileRef = $ctitle.'php';
//Get the json card directory
$this->cardDirLocation = 'thisismyserver.com/CardDir.json';
$this->cardDir = file_get_contents($this->cardDirLocation);
$this->cardArray = json_decode($this->cardDir, true);
//Find the card listing from CardDir.json based on form response input and construct a Card class instance or use the main page (default)
foreach ($this->cardArray['Cards'] as $key => $val) { //search through each card IS THIS MY ERR??
if ($card->name == $fileRef){ //if the name matches a name in the cardDir.json file
//Fill Values
if ($this->title == ''){ //or if there is no title
$this->title = 'Get Started at The Home Page'; //refer to default values -> the home page
$this->dir = 'cards/start/';
$this->name = 'start.php'; ...etc
错误:我无法让 $fileRef 变量与 json 文件数组中的任何内容相匹配,因此它总是进入“else if”默认值。json 文件看起来像这样:
{"Cards":[{"title":"Something", "name":"file.php", "dir":"somefile/dir/here/" }, {"title":"不同的东西", "name":"xfiles.php", "dir":"somefile/dir/there/" ...等