I have a program which color codes a returned results set a certain way depending on what the results are. Due to the length of time it takes to color-code the results (currently being done with Regex and RichTextBox.Select + .SelectionColor), I cut off color-coding at 400 results. At around that number it takes about 20 seconds, which is just about max time of what I'd consider reasonable.
To try an improve performance I re-wrote the Regex part to use a Parallel.ForEach
loop to iterate through the MatchCollection
, but the time was about the same (18-19 seconds vs 20)! Is just not a job that lends itself to Parallel programming very well? Should I try something different? Any advice is welcome. Thanks!
PS: Thought it was a bit strange that my CPU utilization never went about 14%, with or without Parallel.ForEach.
MatchCollection startMatches = Regex.Matches(tempRTB.Text, startPattern);
object locker = new object();
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(startMatches.Cast<Match>(), m =>
int i = 0;
foreach (Group g in m.Groups)
if (i > 0 && i < 5 && g.Length > 0)
tempRTB.Invoke(new Func<bool>(
lock (locker)
tempRTB.Select(g.Index, g.Length);
if ((i & 1) == 0) // Even number
tempRTB.SelectionColor = Namespace.Properties.Settings.Default.ValueColor;
else // Odd number
tempRTB.SelectionColor = Namespace.Properties.Settings.Default.AttributeColor;
return true;
else if (i == 5 && g.Length > 0)
var result = tempRTB.Invoke(new Func<string>(
lock (locker)
return tempRTB.Text.Substring(g.Index, g.Length);
MatchCollection subMatches = Regex.Matches((string)result, pattern);
foreach (Match subMatch in subMatches)
int j = 0;
foreach (Group subGroup in subMatch.Groups)
if (j > 0 && subGroup.Length > 0)
tempRTB.Invoke(new Func<bool>(
lock (locker)
tempRTB.Select(g.Index + subGroup.Index, subGroup.Length);
if ((j & 1) == 0) // Even number
tempRTB.SelectionColor = Namespace.Properties.Settings.Default.ValueColor;
else // Odd number
tempRTB.SelectionColor = Namespace.Properties.Settings.Default.AttributeColor;
return true;