在我的实验中,当多个 XExpression 块之间存在依赖链时,XText 似乎无法解析变量类型。


grammar eg.types.inference.TypeInferenceExample with org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.Xbase 

generate typeInferenceExample "example.org/types/inference/TypeInferenceExample"

    blocks += Block*

        'name' ':' name=QualifiedName
        'from' ':' ('none' | from=[Block|QualifiedName])
        'block' ':' expression=XBlockExpression


package eg.lib;

public interface IModelBlock {
    public void push(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Pair<String, ?> toPush);

还有一个 JvmModelInferrer:

package eg.types.inference.jvmmodel

import com.google.inject.Inject
import eg.lib.IModelBlock
import eg.types.inference.typeInferenceExample.Block
import eg.types.inference.typeInferenceExample.Model
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XBinaryOperation
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XExpression
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XFeatureCall
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XStringLiteral
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.AbstractModelInferrer
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.JvmTypesBuilder

class TypeInferenceExampleJvmModelInferrer extends AbstractModelInferrer {

    @Inject extension JvmTypesBuilder

    def dispatch void infer(Model model, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
        model.blocks.forEach [block |
            acceptor.accept(block.toClass(block.name)).initializeLater [
                superTypes += block.newTypeRef(typeof(IModelBlock))
                members += block.toMethod("invoke", newTypeRef(Void::TYPE)) [
                    if (block.from != null) {
                        block.from.pushType.forEach [p |
                            parameters += block.toParameter(p.key, p.value)
                    body = block.expression

    def private pushType(Block block) {
        return block.eAllContents.filter[ // List of push calls in this Block
            it instanceof XFeatureCall && (it as XFeatureCall).concreteSyntaxFeatureName.equals("push")
        ].map [ 
            val call = it as XFeatureCall
            // Add entry for push call as an OutputDeclaration
            return call.featureCallArguments.map[
                if (!(it instanceof XBinaryOperation)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Must push using -> operator")
                val key = (it as XBinaryOperation).leftOperand
                val value = (it as XBinaryOperation).rightOperand
                return key.name -> value.inferredType

    def private String name(XExpression literal) {
        if (!(literal instanceof XStringLiteral)) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Literal was not a string literal")
        return (literal as XStringLiteral).value


当我为此 DSL 创建一个简单示例时,例如:

    name : BlockOne
    from : none
    block : {
        val i = 42 * 3.6
        push("index" -> i)

    name : BlockTwo
    from : BlockOne
    block : {
        val res = "Another Value from " + index
        push("result" -> res)

代码生成得很好(类型推断成功地计算出类型indexres生成输出 Java)。我正在使用 on 调用中的pushBlockOne来推断调用方法的接口BlockTwo。这个push方法来自IModelBlock上面的接口。如果我在此示例中添加第三个块,则:

    name : BlockThree
    from : BlockTwo
    block : {
        val out = "This one came from: " + result
        push("out" -> out)

推理失败,带有UnsupportedOperationException: TODO: import a functional handle on the type resolution that delegates to the best available (current, but evolving) result(from OnChangeEvictingCache.execWithoutCacheClear, CachingBatchTypeResolver.resolveTypes)。

我应该使用其他一些技术来派生在 XText 中具有像这样的链式依赖关系的变量类型吗?



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于 2013-11-29T07:27:13.083 回答