我正在使用 tuProlog ( http://tuprolog.alice.unibo.it/ ) 从 java 内部运行一些 prolog 子句。我在使用定句语法时遇到了一些问题,我认为 Stackoverflow 可能是正确的地方。
s --> np,vp .
np --> det,n.
vp --> v,np.
vp --> v.
det --> [the].
det --> [a].
n --> [woman].
n --> [man].
v --> [shoots].
我使用以下 java 代码将其拉入 tuProlog(已在其他 prolog 示例中测试过)
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import alice.tuprolog.NoMoreSolutionException;
import alice.tuprolog.NoSolutionException;
import alice.tuprolog.Prolog;
import alice.tuprolog.SolveInfo;
import alice.tuprolog.Theory;
public class TestDefinateClauseGrammar {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Prolog engine = new Prolog();
engine.addTheory(new Theory(readFile("/Users/josephreddington/Documents/workspace/com.plancomps.prolog.helloworld/grammar.pl")));
private static String readFile(String file) throws IOException {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String line = null;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator");
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
return stringBuilder.toString();
Exception in thread "main" alice.tuprolog.InvalidTheoryException: The term 's' is not ended with a period.
at alice.tuprolog.TheoryManager.consult(TheoryManager.java:193)
at alice.tuprolog.Prolog.addTheory(Prolog.java:242)
at TestDefinateClauseGrammar.main(TestDefinateClauseGrammar.java:13)
谁能告诉我这个问题?我知道 tuprolog 应该支持定句语法,因为他们的手册(http://tuprolog.sourceforge.net/doc/2p-guide.pdf)包含以下引用:
5.2 ISOLibrary
Library Dependencies: BasicLibrary.
This library contains almost1 all the built-in predicates and functors that
are part of the ISO standard and that are not part directly of the tuProlog
core engine or other core libraries. Moreover, some features are added, not
currently ISO, such as the support for definite clause grammars (DCGs).