As Peter Hamilton pointed out, although replacing single quoted strings with double quoted equivalents might seem as an easy task at first, even that cannot be done easily, if at all, with regexen, mainly thanks to the possibility of single quotes in the "wrong places", such as within double-quoted strings, %q
literal string constructs, heredocs, comments...
x = 'puts "foo"'
y = %/puts 'foo'/ # TODO: Replace "x = %/puts 'foo'/" with "x = %#puts 'bar'#"
But the correct solution, in this case, is much easier than the other way around (double quoted to single quoted), and actually partially attainable:
require 'ripper'
require 'sorcerer' # gem install sorcerer if necessary
my_source = <<-source
x = 'puts "foo"'
y = "puts 'bar'"
sexp = my_source ).parse
double_quoted_source = Sorcerer.source sexp
#=> "x = \"puts \"foo\"\"; y = \"puts 'bar'\""
The reason why I say "partially attainable" is because, as you can see by yourself,
puts double_quoted_source
#=> x = "puts "foo""; y = "puts 'bar'"
Sorcerer forgets to escape double quotes inside formerly single-quoted string. Feel free to submit a patch
to sorcerer's author Jim Weirich that would fix the problem.