我是 Haskell 的初学者,在下一个块中遇到了麻烦:

up_heap :: Num a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
up_heap heap (h:t) =
let ppos = quot (length heap) 2 in
        case ((ppos > 0) && ((heap !! ppos) > h)) of
            True ->
                let (upper, (p:lower)) = splitAt ppos heap in
                    up_heap upper (h:lower) ++ (p:t)
            False ->
                heap ++ h:t

下一个错误:无法推断 (Ord a) 由使用 `>' 引起



2 回答 2


您正在使用类型为(元素)>的元素。是类型类的一部分,正如您在文档(http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/base/中看到的,类型实现不一定要实施。heapNum a => a>OrdNumOrd

class (Eq a, Show a) => Num a where

在您的类型签名中添加一个约束,例如(Num a, Ord a) => ....

于 2013-05-14T10:13:06.940 回答

I'm a beginner too. I've been making a little chart as I go along, which might be helpful to you:

Eq   -- specifies the functions: (==) (/=)  
        Also, a required typeclass for a variable if:  
            1) you check to see if a variable is in a list with the `elem` list function
            2) a variable is being pattern matched against a specific value
            3) you pass a variable to another function that requires its arg to be (Eq a)

Ord  -- specifies the functions: (<) (<=) (>) (>=)
            (Ord implements Eq)

Num  -- specifies the functions: (+) (-) (*) 
             but NOT (/) which is part of the Fractional typeclass
             (Num implements Show, Eq)

             ghci> :t (*)
             (*) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a

Integral   -- specifies the functions: mod, div(integer division operator)                
                 Both Int and Integer(= really big ints) implement the 
                 Integral typeclass
                 (Integral implements Real(which implements both Ord and Num) )

Fractional -- specifies the function: (/)
                 Float, Double, Rational types implement Fractional
                 (Fractional implements Num)

When I first write my type declarations, I don't worry too much about the 'type constraints' I might need, so I might write:

myfunc :: a -> a -> a

Then after I write the function, I look around the function, and I identify what operators are being used on the a's. If a's are being added, I look at the chart and see that Num is the typeclass that has the (+) operator. If a's are being compared with <, then I look at the chart and see that Ord has the comparison operators. At that point, I add stuff to the type declaration to make sure all the necessary typeclasses are specified:

myfunc :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a

The type 'a' stands for any type, and the type constraints, (Num a, Ord a), say, "Hold on there, not any type will do for 'a'. There's going to be some adding and comparing done with those a's, so the type of 'a' is restricted from being any type to a type that implements the functions in Num and Ord.

于 2013-05-14T20:02:59.957 回答