我正在尝试用盐加载我的流浪盒,要求它安装 Apache。我在无主模式下使用salty-vagrant。
vagrant box 被加载,但它卡在控制台中并显示以下消息:
[default] Running provisioner: salt...
Checking if salt-minion is installed
salt-minion found
Checking if salt-call is installed
salt-call found
Salt did not need installing or configuring.
Calling state.highstate... (this may take a while)
当我检查 vagrant salt 日志时,发现以下内容:
[salt.utils ][ERROR ] This master address: 'salt' was previously resolvable but now fails to resolve! The previously resolved ip addr will continue to be used
[salt.minion ][WARNING ] Master hostname: salt not found. Retrying in 30 seconds