
Java 客户端 <---> TCL 服务器(比如 Server.tcl)<---> 其他一些 TCL 脚本(比如 ABC.tcl)

我正在使用 Socket 编程进行 Java Client 和 TCL 服务器之间的通信。现在我的要求是在运行时从 Server.tcl 调用 ABC.tcl。ABC.tcl 在执行时会通过 server.tcl 向 Java 客户端发送一些问题。坐在 Java 客户端的用户应发送对所提问题的答复,并且答复应返回到 ABC.tcl。现在,当回复回来时,ABC.tcl 应该等待。但是我不能在 ABC.tcl 中有一个繁忙的等待循环,因为控制权不会到达 Server.tcl,因为它是与 Java 客户端对话的人。

ABC.tcl 将使用Server.tcl 中定义的一些程序。如果需要,可以更改设计。

我正在考虑在 TCL 中使用线程。我打算将 ABC.tcl 作为一个单独的线程调用,然后让它等待回复。这样,Server.tcl 可以与 ABC.tcl 分开执行。



我没有在 Server.tcl 和 ABC.tcl 之间使用套接字通信。在 Server.tcl 中,我正在采购 ABC.tcl,当一些通信请求来自 Java 客户端时,我正在调用 ABC.tcl 的过程(比如 proc someProc{})。现在在 someProc 过程中,完成了一些处理,并通过 Server.tcl 将问题(比如“你想继续吗?”)发送回 Java 客户端。现在在 ABC.tcl 我希望过程 someProc 等到用户输入一些东西。当用户输入答案(是/否)时,我希望程序从等待用户输入的位置继续执行。

现在发生的事情是我无法根据需要正确设置等待条件。我尝试使用将在用户输入答案时更新的标志变量,并尝试根据标志变量在 someProc 中保持繁忙的等待循环。但是当用户输入到来时,它不会从等待循环开始恢复执行。它像正常请求一样开始并进入在 Server.tcl 中注册的过程以处理传入的数据。

我有“vwait events”调用,并且在 Server.tcl 中有“fileevent $sock readable [list svcHandler $sock]”。

我无法得到,我该如何在 ABC.tcl 中的过程 someProc 中等待,并根据用户输入从相同的繁忙等待中恢复处理。

标题 ##Server.tcl 文件:

source "<path>/serverTest.tcl"

set svcPort [lindex $argv 0]
set filePath <path where all related files are kept>
set replyReady 0
set packet ""

proc writeToFile {fileName data mode} {
set fileId [open $fileName $mode]
puts -nonewline $fileId $data
close $fileId

proc writeJavaUTF {sock msg} {
  set date [exec date]
  set msg $date$msg
  set data [encoding convertto utf-8 $msg]
  puts -nonewline $sock [binary format "S" [string length $data]]$data

proc readJavaUTF {sock} {
  binary scan [read $sock 2] "S" len
  set data [read $sock [expr {$len & 0xFFFF}]]
  return [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]

proc sendMessageToUser {sock msg} {
      writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nSending Message Back to Client" "a"
     writeJavaUTF $sock $msg\n

proc setReplyReady {} {
        global replyReady
        set replyReady 1
        writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nSetReplyReady" "a"


proc resetReplyReady {} {
        global replyReady
        set replyReady 0
        writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nResetReplyReady" "a"

proc getReplyReadyStatus {} {
        global replyReady
       writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nReply Ready is : $replyReady" "a"
    return $replyReady

proc executeCommand {sock msg} {
    writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nexecuteCommand" "a"
    runServerTest $sock

# Handles the input from the client and  client shutdown
proc  svcHandler {sock} {

  global packet replyReady
  set packet [readJavaUTF $sock] ;# get the client packet
  writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nThe packet from the client is $packet" "w"

set packet [string range $packet 0 [expr {[string first "\n" $packet] - 1}]]

set endChar "EOC"

  if {[eof $sock] || ![string compare -nocase $packet $endChar]} {    ;# client gone or finished
      writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "Closing the socket" "a"
      writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/flag "0" "w"
     close $sock        ;# release the servers client channel
  } else {
    #doService $sock $ipacket
     set typeReply "reply"
     set typeExecute "exec"
     set type [string range $packet 0 [expr {[string first ":" $packet] - 1}]]
     writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nThe type is : $type" "a"
     # If it is not a reply for a request
     if {![string compare -nocase $type $typeExecute]} {
       executeCommand $sock $packet
     } else {
      writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nExecuting the ELSE" "a"


proc accept {sock addr port}  {

  # Setup handler for future communication on client socket
  fileevent $sock readable [list svcHandler $sock]

  # Read client input in lines, disable blocking I/O
  fconfigure $sock -buffering line -blocking 0 -translation binary

  return $sock

set sock [socket -server accept $svcPort]
vwait events    ;# handle events till variable events is set

标题 ## serverTest.tcl(作为 ABC.tcl)

proc runServerTest {sock} {
global replyReady
writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nInside serverTest.tcl." "a"

sendMessageToUser $sock "From Server : The socket is working. Do you want to continue ?"
writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nWaiting for user input" "a"
#Loop untill the reply is read from the socket
while {![getReplyReadyStatus]} {
after 1000

set retMessage [getPacket]
writeToFile [exec pwd]/CTS/log "\nThe reply from user is : $retMessage" "a"



正如您在 proc svcHandler{} 中看到的,如果它是一个新请求,我将执行 executeCommand{} proc。否则,我设置了replyReady 标志。当我执行 executeCommand{} proc 时,调用了 serverTest.tcl 中的 proc runServerTest{}。现在在这个过程中,我将问题发回给用户,我可以在客户端的 JAVA UI 屏幕上看到它。当我尝试发送回复时,svcHandler{} 中的 proc setReplyready{} 根本不会执行。当我看到日志文件时,我可以看到 proc getReplyReadyStatus{} 的输出,该输出每秒被 proc runServerTest{} 中的 while 循环调用。这意味着 while 循环无限期地执行。并且由于没有从 svcHandler{} 调用 proc setReplyReady{} 可能是 while 循环没有退出。真的不知道进程在哪里等待。任何解决方法?

谢谢, Peeyush


3 回答 3



阅读fileeventhttp ://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TclCmd/fileevent.htm

通常,您为 Java 客户端套接字和 ABC 脚本套接字设置事件处理程序,以便在它们可读时触发,并在数据到达时执行您需要执行的操作。


于 2013-05-14T07:51:32.653 回答

You have more than 1 thing that you want to communicate with asynchronously, the server and the user, but you can only have 1 point of execution (stack frame) per interpreter in Tcl versions less than 8.6. So you can't wait for server communication in one loop and user communication in another. Either rewrite one of them as a handler that does it's job and returns, or use:

  • Coroutines in Tcl 8.6.
  • Multiple interpreters.
  • Multiple processes (start ABC.tcl with it's own tclsh).
  • Multiple threads.

One interpreter/thread per connection?

于 2013-05-14T13:04:58.583 回答

您不需要使用线程。相反,我建议使用具有coroutines的 Tcl 8.6 。


proc listfiles {} {
    set lines 0
    set res {}
    foreach f [glob -tails -directory /foo/bar *] {
         append res $f\n
         if {[incr lines] >= 23} {
             yield $res
             set res {};
             set lines 0
    return $res

set corono 0

proc accept {sock host port} {
    fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -encoding utf-8 -buffering line
    set coro ::coro[incr ::corono]
    puts $sock [coroutine $coro listfiles]
    if {[llength [info commands $coro]]} {
        # still something to do
        puts $sock "Do you want to continue ?"
        fileevent $sock readable [list readsock $coro $sock]
    } else {
        close $sock

proc readsock {coro sock} {
    # Tcl treats 1, yes, true and on as true. see http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TclLib/GetInt.htm
    if {[gets $sock line] != -1 && [string is true $line]} {
        fileevent $sock readable {}
        puts $sock [$coro]
        if {[llength [info commands $coro]]} {
            # still something to do
            puts $sock "Do you want to continue ?"
            fileevent $sock readable [list readsock $coro $sock]
        } else {
            close $sock
    } elseif {[string is false $line]} {
         close $sock
socket -server accept 12457

套接字处理等的代码有点长,但实际计算很简单:如果收集到足够的数据,则调用yield ,这将暂停当前执行。如果完成,请致电return


于 2013-05-14T15:03:03.053 回答