我有兴趣使用用户定义的相同视图数量填充屏幕/活动。每个视图都将具有完全相同的布局:几个 TextView 和几个 Button。问题是每个按钮都将控制每个 TextView 将显示的内容。

我想实现它的方式是拥有一个 XML 和一个 Java 类。然后根据用户输入的数字,用相同的视图填充屏幕(使用 for 循环)。问题是,能做到吗?如何?我是否以正确的方式考虑它?



2 回答 2




1)创建一个空屏幕 2)为屏幕创建一个按钮 3)为一个屏幕创建一个文本视图,最后 4)创建一个屏幕并填充它

你必须根据你需要的子元素来为你的视图决定合适的根元素。为简单起见,我们选择 LinearLayout,但对于 RelativeLayout 或 TableLayout,示例是相同的,只是在添加元素时,必须使用附加参数才能正确放置它们。

请注意,创建空自定义视图的函数会返回一个 ViewGroup(“所有布局的派生位置”)。这样,您始终使用 ViewGroups,并且只需在 createCustomView 中定义一次屏幕布局类型。所以你可以在那里改变屏幕的类型,剩下的代码就可以工作了......


private ViewGroup createCustomView(Context context) {

    LinearLayout myCoolNewView=new LinearLayout(context); // or RelativeLayout, etc..
    return myCoolNewView;

private Button createButton(Context context, String buttonText) {
    Button newButton=new Button(context);
    return newButton;

private TextView createText(Context context, String initialText) {
    TextView newText=new TextView(context);
    return newText;

private ViewGroup createScreen(Context context, int numberOfButtons, int numberOfTextfields) {

    ViewGroup newScreen=createCustomView(context);
    TextView[] textViews=new TextView[numberOfTextFields];

    for (int i=0; i<numberOfTextfields; i++) {
          textViews[i]=createText(context, "hi i am text "+i);
           newScreen.addView(textViews[i]); // you ideally provide here layoutparams to properly place your buttons

    for (int j=0; i<numberOfButtons; j++) {
          Button button=createButton(context, "hi i am button "+j);
          button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
              public void onClick (View clickedView) {
                    // here you have a button keypress and you know all the textviews
                    textView[i%j].setText("hey you pressed me");
    return newScreen;


ViewGroup screen1=createScreen(context, 10, 10);
ViewGroup screen2=createScreen(context, 5, 3);
ViewGroup screen3=createScreen(context, 2, 5);

并将屏幕添加到父布局、ViewFlipper、ViewSwitcher 等......就像这样:

 ViewGroup parentLayoutOfAllScreens=findViewById(R.id.root_of_screens);

在 XML 中,您只需创建根布局,并将其命名为 root_of_screens...


编辑:v2.0:扩展视图在您的活动所在的同一文件夹中创建一个名为“MyCoolScreen.java”或任何名称的新 .java(为简单起见):

package ........
public class MyCoolScreen extends LinearLayout {

    /** Now every view holds its own buttons, and they are private, it's good for encapsulating */
    private TextView[] mTextViews; // <-- as a convention, members should start with "m"
    private Button[] mButtons;
    private UserPressedButtons mUserPressedButtonsListener; // See below

    /** The following constructors must always be present for a custom view, and must always call super */
    public MyCoolScreen(Context context) {
        // This is the constructor you will use when creating your view programmatically

    public MyCoolScreen(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

        // This is the constructor Android calls when you include your custom view in an XML
        // You can do this too!! 
        // The ATTRS will then include your numberofbuttons and numberoftextfields from the XML
        // this is beyond the example, but read about it, it's interesting

        super(context, attrs); // this MUST ALWAYS be here for custom views, or they will not work.
                               // it tells the parent view to continue the construction.

    public MyCoolScreen(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        // Another constructor Android calls from the XML
        super(context, attrs, defStyle); 

    /** We create an "init" method to initialize this view from outside */
    public void init(int numberOfTextViews, int numberOfButtons) {
        createScreen(numberOfTextViews, numberOfButtons);

    /** This is the same */
    private Button createButton(Context context, String buttonText) {
        Button newButton=new Button(context);
        return newButton;

    /** This is the same */
    private TextView createText(Context context, String initialText) {
        TextView newText=new TextView(context);
        return newText;

    /** We tweak this function so it doesnt return a view, but rather fills up this one :) */

    private void createScreen(int numberOfButtons, int numberOfTextfields) {

        ViewGroup newScreen=this; // It's this view the one we gonna fill up!
        mTextViews=new TextView[numberOfTextfields];
        mButtons=new Button[numberOfButtons];
        Context context=getContext(); // Views always know their context after constructed

        for (int i=0; i<numberOfTextfields; i++) {
              mTextViews[i]=createText(context, "hi i am text "+i);
              newScreen.addView(textViews[i]); // you ideally provide here layoutparams to properly place your buttons

        for (int j=0; i<numberOfButtons; j++) {
              Button button=createButton(context, "hi i am button "+j);
              button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                  public void onClick (View clickedView) {
                        // here you have a button keypress and you know all the textviews
                        if (mUserPressedButtonsListener!=null) mUserPressedButtonsListener.OnButtonPressed(j);
                        textView[i%j].setText("hey you pressed me");

    public interface UserPressedButtons {
        public void OnButtonPressed(int buttonNumber);

    public void setUserPressedButtonsListener (UserPressedButtons listener) {

好的,所以现在要使用它,在您的 Activity 中您可以执行以下操作:

    import ....... .MyCoolScreen;
    import ....... .MyCoolScreen.UserPressedButtons;


    MyCoolScreen screen1=new MyCoolScreen(context);
    screen1.init(5,5); // initializes the screen.


这很酷,现在功能完全封装在您的自定义视图中。它驻留在另一个 .java 中,因此您的活动代码非常干净,您甚至可以扩展 View 功能而不会使其变得丑陋。


     screen1.setUserPressedButtonsListener(new MyCoolScreen.UserPressedButtons() {
         public void OnButtonPressed (int number) {
              // you know the user pressed button "number", and you can do stuff about it without
              // having to include it inside the MyCoolScreen class. Of course in your example you
              // don't need this at the moment, because the View will modify its textfield, but suppose
              // one of the buttons is "rocket launch" , that is something you will handle at the activity level, ie.

              if (number==ROCKET_LAUNCH) RocketLauncher.setTarget(10,10).launch(); // Your MyCoolScreen doesnt know how to launch rockets, but your activity maybe yes...



     public void OnDraw(Canvas c) {
          c.drawEllipse ...
          c.drawRectangle ....

您可以在您的文本字段和按钮上绘制圆圈、线条等 :) 为此,您必须输入

    setWillNotDraw(false) on the constructor.


于 2013-05-14T04:38:40.223 回答

在 Android 中动态添加和删除视图?


于 2013-05-14T04:34:44.410 回答