I'm trying to create an API and I need to put multiple queries into my JSON ouput, the issue is everything is returned as an object of class stdClass... here is my code:
$querystr = "SELECT entry_id AS id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}connections_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = '{$_GET['catID']}'";
$cID = $wpdb->get_results($querystr);
$arrayCategory= array();
$androidArray = array();
if($dirCount > 0){
foreach($cID as $company){
$querycInfo = "SELECT id, organization, contact_first_name, contact_last_name, bio FROM {$wpdb->prefix}connections WHERE id = '{$company->id}'";
$companyInfo = $wpdb->get_row($querycInfo);
$queryAddress = "SELECT line_1, line_2, line_3, state, zipcode FROM {$wpdb->prefix}connections_address WHERE entry_id = '{$company->id}'";
$address = $wpdb->get_row($queryAddress);
$queryEmail = "SELECT address FROM {$wpdb->prefix}connections_email WHERE entry_id = '{$company->id}' AND type = 'work'";
$email = $wpdb->get_row($queryEmail);
$queryWebsite = "SELECT title, url FROM {$wpdb->prefix}connections_link WHERE entry_id = '{$company->id}' AND type = 'website'";
$website = $wpdb->get_row($queryWebsite);
$queryPhone = "SELECT number FROM {$wpdb->prefix}connections_phone WHERE entry_id = '{$company->id}' AND type = 'workphone'";
$phone = $wpdb->get_row($queryPhone);
$arrayCategory[]= $companyInfo;
$arrayCategory[0]=array('organization'=>'No Company Found Within This Category');
$androidArray = array('companies'=>$arrayCategory);
echo json_encode($androidArray);
I need $arrayCategory to hold more then just $companyInfo, I need it to hold the other variables as well. This is being built for WordPress. Thanks in advance!