So basically, what I have here is a script that will scan a CSV that it imports, and for every entry in the spreadsheet, except for people in the RANDOM.DOMAIN, it will find the managers email address and send an automated email to the manager telling them user XYZ is about to expire soon, and they need to do something about it.
If the managers email is unavailable for some reason, then it defaults to sending the email to me. This script works well.
The problem I am running into is, I want to make it so only one email is sent to each manager, despite multiple users (or entries) from the spreadsheet, list them as the manager.
I.e. if Joe Bloggs has a manager Aaron T and Jane Doe has the manager Aaron T, then Aaron T will get two emails, one email for each user.
Is there an easy way to only get it to send one email per manager, even if that manager has multiple users reporting to them that are about to expire?
$datai = Import-Csv "Soon-to-expire User Accounts22.csv" | select 'Display Name',Manager,'Domain Name','Account Expiry Time'
Connect-QADService -Service another.DC | Out-Null
$expiringUsers = @{}
foreach ($i in $datai) {
$dn = $i.'Display Name'
$dn1 = $i.'Domain Name'
$man = $i.'Manager'
$aet = $i.'Account Expiry Time'
$subject = "Account about to expire: $dn"
$getmail = get-qaduser "$man" -LdapFilter '(mail=*)' | select mail
$emailAD = $getmail.mail
if ($man -eq "-" -or $man -like 'CN=*' -or $getmail -eq $null -or $man -eq "") {
$man = "Aaron T"
$getmail = get-qaduser "$man" -LdapFilter '(mail=*)' | select mail
$emailAD = $getmail.mail
if ($expiringUsers.Contains($emailAD)) {
$expiringUsers[$emailAD]["dn"] += $dn += "`n"
$expiringUsers[$emailAD]["aet"] += $aet += "`n"
$expiringUsers[$emailAD]["man"] += $man += "`n"
} else {
$expiringUsers[$emailAD] = @{
#"dn1" = $dn1
#"aet" = $aet
#"man" = $man
# "dn" = @( $dn )
$expiringUsers | fc #as suggested
foreach ($emailAD in $expiringUsers.Keys) {
$dn = $expiringUsers[$emailAD]["dn"]
$dn1 = $expiringUsers[$emailAD]["dn1"]
$man = $expiringUsers[$emailAD]["man"]
$aet = $expiringUsers[$emailAD]["aet"]
$subject = "Account/s About to Expire!"
$content = @"
$dn `n
$dn1 `n
$man `n
$aet `n
$emailAD `n
Technology Services
Send-MailMessage -from "" `
-To $emailAD `
-Subject $subject `
-Body $content `
-Priority high `
-smtpServer "relay.server"
#using this as a test instead of sending mass emais all the time
Write-Host $content
UPDATED with the new script as requested.... still having issues.
Is there an easy way to only get it to send one email per manager, even if that manager has multiple users reporting to them that are about to expire?