If I have 2 tables employee and department

1) to join data at the server side

SELECT * FROM employee CROSS JOIN department;

we use only one connection here to grab the data

2) to join data at client side we would grab the 2 tables and use 2 connections

SELECT * FROM employee;

and store it in an array and also

SELECT * FROM department;

and store it in another array and and merge the 2 arrays by programming at the client side using for example Javascript.

the second method may be more complex but the advantages is that you could store the employee table on one sever and the department table on another server by this you decrease the load on your own server and make the each client machine do its work

But I'm asking if I want to join 2000 table Which would be better in performance and faster: to do joins at the client side or at the server side?


2 回答 2



如果在服务器上完成连接肯定会更快,但是如果每个表只有 1,000 行,那么您的结果集将是 1,000,000 行,并且必须将这些行发送回客户端。如果您在客户端加入,您只会发回 2,000 行。根据您需要在客户端执行的操作,可能值得进行单独的查询以减少客户端和服务器之间的流量。再说一次,用 JavaScript 加入这两个集合也不会很快。


请注意,此答案CROSS JOIN仅适用。毫无疑问,所有其他连接类型最好在服务器上完成。

于 2013-05-13T21:50:48.513 回答





PS:我不知道你为什么用 mongodb 和 nosql 标记你的问题。您的问题似乎与非关系数据库无关。

PPS:@EdGibbs 的回答提醒我,您提出了 CROSS JOIN 作为替代方案。使用 CROSS JOIN 应该是非常少见的事情,在部门和员工的例子中可能不是你想要的。相反,您可能希望使用连接来识别匹配项,即属于给定部门的员工。

于 2013-05-13T21:45:13.057 回答