I have a script where members login and read posts by catagory that I have in Table called posts, then they click a button and an entry is inserted into Table called postsread collecting the postname, their memberid, and the date showing that it had been read by them. What I am looking for is a query that will display to them only the posts that they have not already read.

**Tables**         **Fields**
posts          id, name, date, from, topic, info, cat
postsread      id, postname, memberid, date
users          id, memberid, pass, fname, lname, email

Sessions is already holding their $_SESSION['memberid'], but am unsure of how to query between the two tables to get what I'm looking for. It would be like: Show all posts in Posts except those in Postsread with the members memberid next to the corresponding postname. I am using php version 5.3, and mysql 5.0.96.

I am using the following to display posts from database:

$sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE cat='1' ORDER BY date DESC");

But this does not differentiate between if the member has clicked stating they have seen them yet or not.

I have looked many places and see examples that are close but just cant get any to fit what I am needing. I don't fully understand how to write this. I have tried many with no success. If you need extra description please ask. Thank you for your time.


2 回答 2



SELECT * FROM posts WHERE cat=:cat AND name NOT IN (SELECT postname FROM postsread WHERE memberid=:memberid)

这里:cat:memberid是适当值的占位符。使用 PDO,您可以直接绑定到使用该execute函数的那些。


于 2013-05-13T21:20:00.890 回答

sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE cat='1' AND name NOT IN (SELECT postname FROM postsread WHERE memberid='$memberid') ORDER BY date DESC") or die (mysql_error());

塔德曼的回答是对的。我在代码中有一些不应该存在的东西,但找不到它。最终我只是重写了这个东西并且它起作用了。以上对我有用,我感谢 Tadman 的帮助。

于 2013-05-19T20:58:57.617 回答