Is there a way to read fragment from the framebuffer currently rendered?

So, I'm looking for a way to read color information from the fragment that's on the place that current fragment will probably overwrite. So, exact position of the fragment that previously rendered.

I found gl_FragData and gl_LastFragData to be added with certain EXT_ extensions to shaders, but if they are what I need, could somebody explain how to use those?

I am looking either for a OpenGL or OpenGL ES 2.0 solution.


All the time I was searching for the solution that would allow me to have some kind of read&write "uniform" accessible from shaders. For anyone out there searching for similar thing, OpenGL version 4.3+ support image and buffer storage types. They do allow both reading and writing to them simultaneously, and in combination with compute shaders they proved to be very powerful tool.


2 回答 2



您的部分问题(第一句)询问您是否可以从片段着色器中的帧缓冲区中读取。答案是,一般不会。有一个 OpenGL ES 2.0 扩展可以让您这样做,但它仅在某些硬件上受支持。在桌面 GL 4.2+ 中,您可以使用任意图像加载/存储来获得相同的效果。但是你不能再渲染到那个图像了;您必须使用图像存储功能写入数据。



于 2013-05-13T21:24:15.130 回答

对于大多数 nVidia 硬件,您可以使用 GL_NV_texture_barrier 扩展来读取当前绑定到帧缓冲区的纹理。但请记住,您将无法读取比上次绘制调用中生成的数据更新的数据

于 2013-05-14T09:06:11.710 回答