我们最近开始在生产中使用 Cassandra 数据库。我们有一个single cross colo cluster of 24 nodes
意义12 nodes in PHX
和12 nodes in SLC colo
。我们有一个replication factor of 4
which 的意思2 copies will be there in each datacenter
的.column families
Production DBA's
使用 placement_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy' 和 strategy_options = {slc:2,phx:2} 创建键空间配置文件;
create column family PROFILE_USER with key_validation_class = 'UTF8Type' and comparator = 'UTF8Type' and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type' and gc_grace = 86400;
我们正在运行Cassandra 1.2.2
with和enabled 。KeyCaching
Virtual Nodes
Cassandra 生产节点的机器规格-
16 cores, 32 threads
4 x 600GB SAS in Raid 10, 1.1TB usable
2 x 10GbaseT NIC, one usable
Read Latency(95th Percentile) Number of Threads Duration the program was running(in minutes) Throughput(requests/seconds) Total number of id's requested Total number of columns requested
9 milliseconds 10 30 1977 3558701 65815867
我不确定我应该与 Cassandra 一起尝试哪些其他事情来变得更好read performance
我相信与 SSD 相比,从 HDD 读取数据大约需要 6-12 毫秒?在我的情况下,每次我猜测它都会撞击磁盘并且启用密钥缓存在这里无法正常工作。我无法启用 RowCache,因为使用 OS 页面缓存更有效。在 JVM 中维护行缓存非常昂贵,因此建议行缓存仅用于较少的行数,例如 <100K 行。
create column PROFILE
with column_type = 'Standard'
and comparator = 'UTF8Type'
and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
and key_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
and read_repair_chance = 0.1
and dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.0
and populate_io_cache_on_flush = false
and gc_grace = 86400
and min_compaction_threshold = 4
and max_compaction_threshold = 32
and replicate_on_write = true
and compaction_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'
and caching = 'KEYS_ONLY'
and compression_options = {'sstable_compression' : 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.SnappyCompressor'};