所以我正在使用 AJAX 使用我正在构建的这个图像管理器工具上传图像......突然它不起作用......我没有更改任何代码或任何东西。

.php 运行并上传图像,但我想在 json 编码并发回后触发的事件并没有发生。:/

控制台日志Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

同样的事情发生在另一个 AJAX 请求上,但在第三个请求上很好......

过去,当我收到此错误时,这是​​一个 PHP 语法错误,但我有一段时间没有更新 .php 了.. soooo 我难住了。



    if($(this).attr('name')) {

        var data;

        data = new FormData();
        data.append('uploadedfile', $( '#chosenfile' )[0].files[0]);
            url: '/includes/uploadimage.php',
            data: data,
            processData: false,
            contentType: false,
            type: 'POST',
            success: function ( data ) {
                //console.log(data); //returns a string of the data.
                var image = JSON.parse(data); //parses the string into an object.
                console.log(image); //logs the object.
                if (image.error) {
                } else {
                    if (image.link) { //If the image is uploaded and returned a link.
                        $('#scrollwindow').append("<div class='you'><img imgid='" + image.id + "' src='" + image.link + "' alt=''><span class='delete'>x</span></div>").fadeIn(200);





include '../includes/global.php'; // General Vars and Functions I use sitewide.

/* ------------------------- */
/* -- Lets Get that file! -- */
/* ------------------------- */

    $file = $_FILES["uploadedfile"];

    $Return = array();
    $status = "failure";

/* ------------------------- */
/* - Okay, lets upload it! - */
/* ------------------------- */

    $Return["type"] = $file["type"];

    $target_path = "../uploads/"; // Define a folder to upload to

    $allowedExts = array("jpeg", "jpg", "JPG", "JPEG", "image/jpg"); // Array of allowed extensions.
    $extension = end(explode("/", $file["type"])); // Find extension.
    $maxsize = 2097152; // Get Max file size from hidden field in form.

    if ($file) {
        if (in_array($extension, $allowedExts)) // If the extension is allowed.

            if(($file["size"] < $maxsize)) { // If size is less then max file size.

                $uploadResponse = "The file is a good size - ";

                $target_path = $target_path . basename($file['name']);  //Add file name string to upload folder destination string.
                $imageLink = "http://scoutsamerica.com/uploads/" . basename( $file['name']); // This is the full link

                if (file_exists($target_path)) { // If that file already exists, add a random integer to the end of it after a "_".

                    $uploadResponse .=  "This file exists: " . $target_path;

                    $randomNum = rand(1, 9999999);
                    $crudparts = explode(".", $file["name"]); //split filename and extension again.
                    $exceptExt =  $crudparts[0]; //Filename
                    $extension =  $crudparts[1]; //Extension
                    $target_path = "../uploads/" . $exceptExt . "_" . $randomNum . "." . $extension; //rename it with the random number.
                    $imageLink = "http://scoutsamerica.com/uploads/"  . $exceptExt . "_" . $randomNum . "." . $extension;

                    $uploadResponse .= " Path changed to: " . $target_path;

                if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
                        $uploadResponse .= "The file ".  basename( $file['name']) . " has been uploaded to " . $target_path . "</br></br>";

                    } else {
                        $uploadResponse .= "There was an error uploading the file, please try again! </br>";
                        $uploadResponse .= "File size: " . ($file["size"] / 1024) . "kb</br>";
                        $uploadResponse .= "Max size: " . ($maxsize / 1024) . "kb";

                $status = "success";
                $Return["link"] = $imageLink;

                /* ---------------------------------- */
                /* - Time to upload that image, yo. - */
                /* ---------------------------------- */

                $imageSql = "INSERT INTO images (id, link, model_id, addedon) VALUES (".
                    "null, " .
                    PrepSQL($imageLink) . ", " .
                    PrepSQL($myId) . ", " .
                    PrepSQL($date) . ")";

                mysql_query($imageSql) or die("Images: " . mysql_error());

            } else {
                $uploadResponse = "The file must less then " . ($maxsize / 1024) . "kb.";
                $status = "failure";
                $Return["error"] = $uploadResponse;

        } else {
                $uploadResponse = "The file must be a .jpg file.";
                $status = "failure";
                $Return["error"] = $uploadResponse;
    } else {
            $uploadResponse = "No Image.";
            $status = "failure";
            $Return["error"] = $uploadResponse;

/* ------------------------- */
/* -  Lets Send it back :) - */
/* ------------------------- */

    $Return["status"] = $status;
    $Return["id"] = mysql_insert_id();
    $Return["traveler"] = $file;

    str_replace('\\/', '/', json_encode($Return));
    echo json_encode($Return);


    function hairEyesFind(haireyes){
        if (haireyes == "blonde") {
            return "z";
        if (haireyes == "dirty blonde") {
            return "b";
        if (haireyes == "auburn") {
            return "c";
        if (haireyes == "brown") {
            return "d";
        if (haireyes == "black") {
            return "e";
        if (haireyes == "red") {
            return "f";
        if (haireyes == "blue2") {
            return "g";
        if (haireyes == "green2") {
            return "h";
        if (haireyes == "hazel2") {
            return "i";
        if (haireyes == "brown2") {
            return "j";

2 回答 2


unexpected token可能意味着您从服务器收到了损坏的 JSON 响应。很可能它是一个 html 格式的 PHP 错误/警告,嵌入在 json 数据之前/之后,例如

<p>PHP Warning: blah blahblah</p>[...json text here ...]

由于 html 不是有效的 json,因此您会收到该错误消息。因此,请查看服务器对特定 ajax 调用的 RAW 响应,并查看服务器返回的内容。

于 2013-05-13T17:40:04.083 回答


  1. 你为什么使用\/而不是 just /
  2. 响应中的第一个 return 语句不应该是"a"not"z"吗?
  3. 为什么在响应的末尾有一段 JSON?
于 2016-04-19T23:31:08.823 回答