与 Linux 相比,我在理解 Windows 如何处理文件时遇到了一些麻烦。我正在尝试删除我用作“数据库”的文件中的条目(它只是一个常规文件)。不幸的是,Java 没有提供这样做的方法,所以我必须将除我要删除的条目之外的所有条目复制到临时文件中,删除旧数据库,创建一个新的空数据库文件,将临时文件的内容复制到新的数据库文件,并通过删除临时文件来完成。
private void removeSelectedItem(String entryToRemove) {
//original database file
File database = new File("catalog");
//all entries except selected will be written here first
File temp = new File("temp");
boolean endOfFileFlag = false;
String line = "";
try {
//used for reading original database file
BufferedReader databaseReader =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(database));
//used for writing to newly-created temp file
BufferedWriter tempWriter =
new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(temp, true));
* Read original database line by line and test to see if the line
* has the course prefix and id. If it does, it won't be written to
* the temp file.
while (endOfFileFlag == false) {
line = databaseReader.readLine();
* This code is ugly. If possible, this check needs to be
* made in the conditions of the while loop.
if (line == null) {
endOfFileFlag = true;
//tests to see if the line is to be removed
if ( !line.contains(entryToRemove))
tempWriter.write(line + "\r\n");
endOfFileFlag = false; //reset this for the next loop
databaseReader.close(); //database will be deleted
tempWriter.close(); //temp file is written
database.delete(); //delete this to create a new updated one below
//writes to the new database
BufferedWriter databaseWriter =
new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(database, true));
//reads from the temp file
BufferedReader tempReader =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(temp));
//read temp line by line and add each line to a new catalog file
while (endOfFileFlag == false) {
line = tempReader.readLine();
* This code is ugly. If possible, this check needs to be made
* in the conditions of the while loop. Attempts thus far have
if(line == null){
endOfFileFlag = true;
databaseWriter.write(line + "\r\n");
tempReader.close(); //temp will be deleted
databaseWriter.close(); //new database has been written
temp.delete(); //temp file no longer needed
setUpInfo(); //update the lists with the new catalog info
}catch(IOException e){
这段代码(“\r\n”除外,在 Linux 中只有“\n”)在 Linux 下完美执行,但在 Windows 中,我发现当我激活事件处理程序以删除条目时,程序只会添加额外的条目。调试后我发现调用database.delete()
endOfFileFlag = false; //reset this for the next loop
databaseReader.close(); //database will be deleted
tempWriter.close(); //temp file is written
database.delete(); //delete this to create a new updated one below
//new code
database = null;