目前,我们对 Alfresco 3.4.x 的定制包括六个 AMP 文件、内部 log4j jar 的删除、几个 jar 补丁以纠正 CIFS 实现中的错误,以及十几个配置文件。到目前为止,我一直在使用 shell 脚本进行构建,但现在我正在切换到 ant 以与我们的内部准则兼容。


<java dir="." fork="true" jar="${mmt.jar.location}">
    <arg line="install ${amp.dir}/cma-alfresco-3.4.6-E-0.amp ${dist.dir}/alfresco.war -force -verbose -nobackup"/>


<apply executable="java" dir="${build.dir}" failonerror="true">
    <fileset dir="${amp.dir}">
        <include name="*.amp" />
    <arg value="-jar" />
    <arg value="${mmt.jar.location}"/>
    <arg value="install"/>
    <arg value="${dist.dir}/alfresco.war"/>
    <arg value="-force"/>
    <arg value="-verbose"/>
    <arg value="-nobackup"/>

我得到一个错误[apply] 04130000 Error whilst saving modifications file。这是控制台的摘录:

[apply] Installing AMP 'C:\Users\***\Documents\workspace\AMP_***\amps\cma-alfresco-3.4.6-E-0.amp' into WAR './build/dist/alfresco.war'
[apply] Adding files relating to version '1.22.0' of module 'RemoteAlfrescoAPIrivet'
[apply]    - File '/WEB-INF/lib/cma-alfresco-3.4.6-E-0.jar' added to war from amp
[apply]    - File '/WEB-INF/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar' added to war from amp
[apply]    - File '/WEB-INF/classes/castor/mapping/workflowservice.createpackage.mapping.xml' added to war from amp
[apply]    - Directory '/WEB-INF/classes/castor/mapping' added to war
[apply]    - Directory '/WEB-INF/classes/castor' added to war
[apply] 04130000 Error whilst saving modifications file.
[apply] Module managment tool available commands:
[apply] -----------------------------------------------------------
[apply] install: Installs a AMP file(s) into an Alfresco WAR file, updates if an older version is already installed.
[apply] usage:   install <AMPFileLocation> <WARFileLocation> [options]
[apply] valid options: 
[apply]    -verbose   : enable verbose output
[apply]    -directory : indicates that the amp file location specified is a directory.
[apply]                 All amp files found in the directory and its sub directories are installed.
[apply]    -force     : forces installation of AMP regardless of currently installed module version
[apply]    -preview   : previews installation of AMP without modifying WAR file
[apply]    -nobackup  : indicates that no backup should be made of the WAR
[apply] -----------------------------------------------------------
[apply] list:  Lists all the modules currently installed in an Alfresco WAR file.
[apply] usage: list <WARFileLocation>
[apply] -----------------------------------------------------------

C:\Users\***\Documents\SDP\workspace\AMP_***\build.xml:83: apply returned: 1




1 回答 1


当我之前在保存修改文件时看到错误错误时WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/module/<moduleid>,这与 MMT 期望webapp 中存在一个目录这一事实有关。

我会尝试创建目录WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/module/RemoteAlfrescoAPIrivet(手动或通过 Ant)并尝试再次运行该命令。

于 2013-05-14T13:12:23.873 回答