I have an MSI installer that installs my Windows Service and in my custom actions I need to write some values into the Registry in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/MYSoftware
I am trying to do this and it's not working, but from my Windows Service it's working fine. Can anybody tell me where I am going wrong?
string registryLocaltion = AgentProperties.TMAGENT_REGISTRY_LOCATION
+ @"\" +AgentProperties.TMAgentVersion;
tmKeyMain = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(registryLocaltion, true);
if (tmKeyMain == null)
log.Error("Unable to open registry key " + registryLocaltion);
tmKeyMain.SetValue("UseProxySettings", settings.UseProxySettings);
if (settings.UseProxySettings)
tmKeyMain.SetValue("ProxyHost", settings.ProxyHost);
tmKeyMain.SetValue("ProxyPort", settings.ProxyPort);
tmKeyMain.SetValue("ProxyExclusion", settings.ProxyExclusion);
tmKeyMain.SetValue("BypassProxy", settings.BypassProxy);
This code is working fine in my Windows Service, but if I do some thing very similar in my custom action in the MSI installer it doesn't work.
Can anybody tell me where I am going wrong?