I am quite new to smart pointer so sorry if my question seems naive to some of you. Here is an example of what i want to do:
using namespace std;
class Base
int m_Property;
virtual function() {...;}
class DerivedA : public Base
virtual function() {second implementation...;}
virtual functionA() {...;}
class DerivedB : virtual public Base, public DerivedA
virtual functionB() {...;}
void main()
map<int, shared_ptr<Base>> myMap;
shared_ptr<Base> object_ptr1 = shared_ptr<Base>(new Base());
shared_ptr<Base> object_ptr2 = shared_ptr<Base>(new DerivedA());
shared_ptr<Base> object_ptr3 = shared_ptr<Base>(new DerivedB());
myMap.insert(pair<int, shared_ptr<Base>>(1,object_ptr1));
myMap.insert(pair<int, shared_ptr<Base>>(2,object_ptr2));
myMap.insert(pair<int, shared_ptr<Base>>(3,object_ptr3));
// What i want to do (cause I know for sure that object_ptr3 points to a DerivedB object):
Let say that i have extracted a shared pointer from myMap (lets call it myPointer), and that i want to use DerivedB specific (but not inherited virtual) functions. The compiled does not understand cause it thinks that myPointer (or object_ptr3 in the above example) is of Base type.
I tried casting it with static_pointer_cast and dynamic_pointer_cast (which in some cases does not work)... Any better id for handling these king of situations.
Thanks in advance