I write my own function named asyncAccept to encapsulate the standard boost::asio::ip::acceptor::async_accept, but problems occurred when I run my program. An error was thrown and it prints "argument invalid". It seems that the expression has something wrong:
boost::bind(handle_accept, placeholders::error, socket, tcp_version, port_num, handler));
I wonder what's the problem. Complete codes are attached below. My mother tongue is not English, so please be patient a bit~~ Thanks a lot in advance!
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include "impl/asyncAccept.h"
using namespace boost::asio;
namespace asyncTcp{
error_type illegal_version = -1;
error_type accept_error = -2;
const int TCPV4 = 4;
const int TCPV6 = 6;
io_service io_server;
ip::tcp::acceptor _acceptor(io_server);
ip::tcp::socket _socket(io_server);
void *servSocket = &_socket;
void handle_accept(const boost::system::error_code& error, void* socketPtr, const int tcp_version, unsigned short port_num, callback handler);
void init_acceptor(const int tcp_version, unsigned short port_num);
//bind a socket with a port
void asyncAccept(void* socketPtr, const int tcp_version, unsigned short port_num, callback handler){
if (tcp_version != TCPV4 && tcp_version != TCPV6)
throw illegal_version;
init_acceptor(tcp_version, port_num);
ip::tcp::socket *socket = reinterpret_cast<ip::tcp::socket*>(socketPtr);
boost::bind(handle_accept, placeholders::error, socket, tcp_version, port_num, handler));
void handle_accept(const boost::system::error_code& error, void* socketPtr, const int tcp_version, unsigned short port_num, callback handler){
if (!error){
//cycle server
asyncAccept(socketPtr, tcp_version, port_num, handler);
throw boost::system::system_error(error);
void init_acceptor(const int tcp_version, unsigned short port_num){
if (TCPV4 == tcp_version){
ip::tcp::endpoint ep(ip::tcp::v4(), port_num);
ip::tcp::endpoint ep(ip::tcp::v6(), port_num);
void run_server(){
namespace asyncTcp{
#ifndef CALL_BACK
#define CALL_BACK
typedef void (*callback)();
#ifndef ERROR_TYPE
#define ERROR_TYPE
typedef int error_type;
extern error_type illegal_version;
extern error_type accept_error;
//extern void* io_server;
extern void* servSocket;
extern const int TCPV4;
extern const int TCPV6;
void asyncAccept(void* socketPtr, const int tcp_version, unsigned short port_num, callback handler);
void run_server();
#endif /* SERV_SOCKET_H */