问题是仅当您单击排序图标时才会应用排序。作为一种解决方法,您可以调用数据表组件中的一些方法,首先知道最后“按列排序”是什么,然后您可以使用 primefaces 数据表排序功能。这将强制数据表在您需要时进行排序:
* This code will first find what is the current order and the apply the sorting process to data.
* It is implemented looking at primefaces code and doing exactly the same steps on sorting (like default database sort)
* and decide what is the current order (like in column rendering to decide what is the column arrow style).
protected void refrestTableComponentOrder(DataTable table) {
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
//When view is not created, like on first call when preparing the model, table will not be found
if(table == null){
ValueExpression tableSortByVe = table.getValueExpression("sortBy");
String tableSortByExpression = tableSortByVe.getExpressionString();
//Loop on children, that are the columns, to find the one whose order must be applied.
for (UIComponent child : table.getChildren()) {
Column column = (Column)child;
ValueExpression columnSortByVe = column.getValueExpression("sortBy");
if (columnSortByVe != null) {
String columnSortByExpression = columnSortByVe.getExpressionString();
if (tableSortByExpression != null && tableSortByExpression.equals(columnSortByExpression)) {
//Now sort table content
SortFeature sortFeature = new SortFeature();
sortFeature.sort(facesContext, table, tableSortByVe, table.getVar(),
SortOrder.valueOf(table.getSortOrder().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)), table.getSortFunction());
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
DataTable table = (DataTable)facesContext.getViewRoot().findComponent(":YOUR_TABLE_CLIENT_ID");