
查看 Amazon Redshift 等服务,该服务旨在存储 PB 级数据。什么形式的数据应该存储在这里?日志,原始数据?


2 回答 2





我不确定 Amazon Redshift 实际上做了什么,但如果它是一个数据仓库,我认为更多的是你如何使用它的问题。

于 2013-05-13T18:57:34.877 回答

from what I understand the Amazon Redshift is a Service NOT a TECHNOLOGY. The service is meant to handle ALL of your data warehousing needs towards keeping a minimised Capital expenditure (CAPEX).

Effectively you can use it as the corporate Data Warehousing solution (store ANY DATA you would have paid money to store and analyse: be it Logs, Raw Unstructured Data, Structured Data - literally ANY DATA); this is what Amazon is aiming at. It is intended to save you the costs of infrastructure, software, setup and even people costs, therefore it's nature as a Service. Having worked in the Data industry for 20 years I can see the advantage being offered.

I have also noticed that Amazon is even offering a certification program which should simplify the selection of people who you have to hire to service this solution when you are ready to venture into it.

See this very simple video here - it sounds too good to be true. But I would advice you to get a certified or very experienced with Amazon Cloud Infrastructure deployments, see some partners here, so you get the true ins and outs. I am sure they will offer you free consultation as part of their pre-sales work.

All the best! Leslie

于 2013-05-13T13:05:56.513 回答