I'm making a fairly simple flash website, the main page loads fine and now I am coding for the navigation buttons. The first button(and all will function the same way) is menuBTN I've created a scene specific for its loading animation called "menu". I'm using gotoAndPlay(1, "menu") which loads the scene perfectly but when the animation runs out it jumps back to the "main" scene. I need it to play to the end and the hold until the user clicks another button.
The code I have is:
import flash.ui.Mouse;
menuBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menuClick);
function menuClick(event:MouseEvent):void
gotoAndPlay(1, "menu");
I've tried gotoAndStop(40, "menu"); but this loads the "menu" scene at frame 40 with no animation.
Please help and I love you all in advance.