如果我不清楚,请告诉我:) 这是代码:
function SimpleLoader(){
var ressources ;
var canvas;
var ctx;
this.getRessources = function(){
return ressources;
this.setAllRessources = function(newRessources){
ressources = newRessources;
this.getCanvas = function(){
return canvas;
this.setCanvas = function(newCanvas){
canvas = newCanvas;
this.getCtx = function(){
return ctx;
this.setCtx = function(newCtx){
ctx = newCtx;
SimpleLoader.prototype.init = function (ressources, canvas, ctx){
SimpleLoader.prototype.draw = function (){
var that = this;
this.getCtx().clearRect(0, 0, this.getCanvas().width, this.getCanvas().height);
this.getCtx().fillStyle = "black";
this.getCtx().fillRect(0,0,this.getCanvas().width, this.getCanvas().height)
for(var i = 0; i < this.getRessources().length; i++){
var data = this.getRessources()[i];
if(data instanceof Picture){
var drawLoader = function(nbLoad){
that.getCtx().clearRect(0, 0, that.getCanvas().width, that.getCanvas().height);
that.getCtx().fillStyle = "black";
that.getCtx().fillRect(0,0, that.getCanvas().width, that.getCanvas().height);
that.getCtx().fillStyle = "white";
that.getCtx().fillText("Chargement en cours ... " + Number(nbLoad) +"/"+ Number(100), that.getCanvas().width/2, 100 );
data.img = new Image();
data.img.src = data.src;
data.img.onload = drawLoader(Number(i)+1); //Update loader to reflect picture loading progress
} else if(data instanceof Animation){
/* Load animation */
} else if(data instanceof Video){
/* Load video */
} else if(data instanceof Sound){
/* Load sound */
}else {