I want to allow the user to crop and image using Jcrop. I've installed the jquery-jcrop smart package, and patched it to include the css and gif files (see my pull request on that project).

Now things look good, but once the user clicks/drags on the image, he can never let go. From the first drag (or even a click), he is able to adjust the size of selection, but releasing the mouse button does nothing, and every mouse movement continues to change the selection size.

To reproduce:

1. mrt create tmp

2. mrt add jquery-jcrop

3. in tmp.html <body>:
       <img src="https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/sOrqCDfqSbqkkHbbu1pC"
            id="target" />  

4. in tmp.js isClient:
        Meteor.startup(function() {

Running mrt now and accessing the page will show the desired behaviour (might look weird though without the patch from the pull request mentioned above).

Stopping, running "mrt add bootstrap", rerunning will show the problem as described above.

I should note that a non-Meteor project, with jquery, jquery-jcrop and bootstrap works without problems.


1 回答 1


好的,我将问题追溯到 Bootstrap 2.3.0 中的 bootstrap.js。用 Bootstrap 2.3.1 替换可以解决问题。我查看了 Bootstrap 更改日志,并没有真正看到相关的更改,但这有效:)

于 2013-06-08T10:13:20.597 回答