This is my first time to deploy web application on a Glassfish Server with Maven.

I execute the following maven goals step by step:

  1. mvn glassfish:create-domain -P glassfish
  2. mvn glassfish:start-domain -P glassfish
  3. mvn glassfish:deploy -P glassfish

Everything goes fine until the third step (glassfish:deploy) and the error message is

[ERROR] remote failure: Error occurred during deployment: Exception while deploying the app [herald-web-services] : There is no web component by the name of default here.. Please see server.log for more details.
[ERROR] Deployment of /Users/Ray/workspace/herald-web-services/target/herald-web-services-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war failed.
[ERROR] For more detail on what might be causing the problem try running maven with the --debug option 
[ERROR] or setting the maven-glassfish-plugin "echo" property to "true".

And, here is part of my pom.xml:


and settings.xml,


Do I miss something in my pom.xml or in Glassfish configuration?


1 回答 1





通过删除这个 servlet 映射,它就可以工作了。

于 2013-05-12T08:19:35.200 回答