我正在学习 MySQL,我正在尝试在查询中进行简单的算术运算,我正在尝试编写一个命令来确定Instructors
大学中每个学院的人数 有人可以帮助我吗?谢谢!
| Department | Faculty | Building |
| Humanities | Arts and Sciences | Chardon |
| English | Arts and Sciences | Chardon |
| Mathematics | Arts and Sciences | Monzon |
| General Engineering | Engineering | Stefani |
| Agronomy | Agriculture | Pinero |
| Professor | Department | Rank | Salary |
| Joe Blow | Biology | Professor | $73,500.00 |
| Sam Snow | Mathematics | Instructor | $45,700.00 |
| George Grow | Electrical Engineering | Associate Professor | $69,250.00 |
| Hiram Lowe | English | Assistant Professor | $63,750.00 |