I would like to make a program x.py into an executable(.exe) with Pyinstaller. I am able to do this just fine when x.py does not depend on any user scripts with:

python pyinstaller.py -w x.py

How can I make this work when I am importing another script I have written, y.py, into x.py? I have tried using -p DIR to specify the path to y.py like so:

 python pyinstaller.py -p \projectfolder -w x.py

But that did not solve the issue.


1 回答 1


我通过将文件放在同一目录中来完成这项工作。我的问题实际上与 scipy 的 pyinstaller 中的一个已知错误有关。解决方案是添加此导入:

from scipy.sparse.csgraph import _validation  
于 2013-05-12T02:29:12.130 回答