我在 2.7 中有一个可用的货币转换器,但我想确保程序不会获取用户输入的无法处理的数据。
- 如何让用户输入与大小写无关
- 如果用户输入错误,如何让程序重新启动;即休息一下,但尽管搜索并测试了一些方法,但我无法弄清楚如何做到这一点。
currency = str(raw_input ("""what currency would you like to covert: GBP, EURO, USD OR YEN?
exchange = str(raw_input("""what currency would you like in exchange? : GBP, EURO, USD OR YEN?
amount = int(input("""how much would you like to convert?
decision = str(raw_input("""Please enter u for user input exchange rate or s for the preset exchange rate
if decision == "u" :
user_rate = raw_input("Please enter the current exchange rate")
exchange_value = int(amount) * int(user_rate)
print ("At the user found exchange rate you will receive",exchange_value,exchange)
elif decision == "s" :
if currency == "GBP" and exchange == "USD":
exchange_value= int(amount) * 1.6048
print ("At the preset exchange rate you will receive",exchange_value,exchange)
if currency == "GBP" and exchange == "EUR":
exchange_value= int(amount) * 1.2399
print ("At the preset exchange rate you will receive",exchange_value,exchange)