请原谅我的无知。我是 Unix 的新手。这听起来可能很愚蠢。我正在对包含一些日志详细信息的文件运行以下命令。
cat ./日志文件 | 唯一的-c
23 这只是一个示例结果文本,它很长,但 WRAPPED 到下一行,以便结果以滚动条的形式显示 最终格式。这真的可能吗?
$ cat text
This is just a sample result text that has come up to be very long but was WRAPPED to the next line so that the results are displayed in a scroll friendly format. Is that really possible?
$ fold -s -w 80 text
This is just a sample result text that has come up to be very long but was
WRAPPED to the next line so that the results are displayed in a scroll friendly
format. Is that really possible?
23 This is just a sample result text that has come up to be very long but was
WRAPPED to the next line so that the results are displayed in a scroll fri
endly format. Is that really possible?
编辑:感谢您的澄清,现在我了解您的情况。我想你可以像其他人在这里建议的那样使用这个折叠,但是在 uniq 之后管道它:
cat ./Logfile | uniq -c | fold -s -w 80 > result.txt