import Tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Drawing lines to a canvas")
cv = tk.Canvas(root,height="500",width="500",bg="white")
def linemaker(screen_points):
""" Function to take list of points and make them into lines
is_first = True
# Set up some variables to hold x,y coods
x0 = y0 = 0
# Grab each pair of points from the input list
for (x,y) in screen_points:
# If its the first point in a set, set x0,y0 to the values
if is_first:
x0 = x
y0 = y
is_first = False
# If its not the fist point yeild previous pair and current pair
yield x0,y0,x,y
# Set current x,y to start coords of next line
x0,y0 = x,y
list_of_screen_coods = [(50,250),(150,100),(250,250),(350,100)]
for (x0,y0,x1,y1) in linemaker(list_of_screen_coods):
cv.create_line(x0,y0,x1,y1, width=1,fill="red")
您需要为 create_line 提供行的起点和终点处的 x,y 位置,在上面的示例代码中(有效)我正在绘制连接点 (50,250)、(150,100)、(250,250)、( 350,100) 在曲折线上
值得指出的是,画布上的 x,y 坐标从左上角而不是左下角开始,认为它不像画布左下角的 x,y = 0,0 等等您将如何打印到从左上角开始在 x 中向右移动的页面,并且随着您向下移动页面而 y 递增。
http ://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/tk_canvas.htm作为参考。