我有一个 Perl CGI 脚本。我想根据来自简单 HTML 表单的查询信息制作一个动态、大小合适的表格:http: //jsfiddle.net/wBgBZ/4/。我想使用HTML::Table但服务器没有安装模块。管理员也不会安装。因此,我必须以旧时尚的方式来做。
use strict; use warnings;
use CGI qw( :standard);
print header;
print start_html(
-title => 'Creating Tables'
# Process an HTTP request
my $query = param("names");
my @students_in_class = split(/;/, $query);
my %attributes = (
'Tommy' => 'A star baseball player who has lots of potential to play in the Major League of Baseball. ',
'Tyrone' => 'An honor roll athlete. His father is really proud of him. When he graduates, he wents to work at the National Institute for Public Health. His father wants him to become a doctor but he wants to pursue Physics.',
'Marshall' => 'A professional WWE wrestler.',
print table({-border=> undef},
caption('Students in the class'),
th(['Student', 'List of Attributes']),
foreach (@students_in_class){ # !!!!! problem line !!!!!!
td(['$_' , '$attributes{$}']),
CGI 应该产生类似于以下内容的内容
如果用户输入 just Marshall;Tommy
,表格应该是 3x2。