Is there a generic way, in T-SQL, to iterate through an xml variable and get the xml for each entity in turn?
DECLARE @xml xml =
<Entity key="4" attrib1="abc" attrib2="def" />
<Entity key="18" attrib1="ghi" attrib2="jkl" />
<Entity key="938" attrib1="mno" />
For example, in the above XML, there are three instances of Entity. I want the XML for each one in turn. I can do this in a hard-coded way, e.g.
SELECT @entityxml = @xml.query('/Entities/Entity[1]')
which will return
<Entity key="4" attrib1="abc" attrib2="def" />
I can then change it to a [2] to get the next one, and so forth.
But, according to both BOL and experimentation, the parameter to @xml.query must be a string literal. In other words, a variable can't be used as the parameter, building it with [1], [2], etc., and getting however many entities there are. It appears we have hard-code the queries, which makes for some ugly code.
I know other methods can be used to get the data in the xml into a table, and then iterate through the rows in the table. I'm specifically asking about getting the XML itself, i.e. getting the equivalent of the above @xml.query, but being able to do so without having to hard-code the array value.