I'm using Microsofts suggested solution for using Entity Framework to read multiple record sets from a stored procedure but added a small snippet to use parameters and it's not working. I've had a co-worker look at the code and tell me it looks like it should work so I thought I'd ask here.

Using the 4.5 framework is not an option. I'm stuck with 4.0 and etity framework 4.4.

            App MyApp = (App)Application.Current;
            EnterpriseEntities EE = new EnterpriseEntities();
            EE.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = MyApp.EnterpriseEntityConnectionString;

            var cmd = EE.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[spSelectWaterUsesByRightID]";
            var param = cmd.CreateParameter();

            param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
            param.DbType = DbType.Int32;
            param.ParameterName = "@RightID";
            param.Value = this.RightID;


            var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            List<WaterUses> ListOfWaterUses = (((System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IObjectContextAdapter)EE)
                    .Translate<WaterUses>(reader, "WaterUses",System.Data.Objects.MergeOption.AppendOnly)).ToList(); 

When I get to the ExecuteReader line I get an error message that the stored procedure requires Parameter @RightID but that's what I'm passing. I checked the parameter count right before it executes and it's at 1.


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cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;


于 2013-05-10T22:44:26.057 回答