import Data.ConfigFile
data Test = Test
{ field1 :: Int
, field2 :: Bool
, field3 :: String
} deriving (Show)
whatMyConfigLooksLike =
[ ("field1", "5")
, ("field2", "True")
, ("field3", "I am a string")
options = fst . unzip $ whatMyConfigLooksLike
readConfigFile = do
rv <- runErrorT $ do
cp <- join . liftIO $ readfile emptyCP "theconfig.cfg"
let printn = liftIO . putStrLn
getn = get x "DEFAULT"
x = cp
printn "Loading configuration file..."
-- I don't want to do the following
one <- getn "field1"
two <- getn "field2"
three <- getn "field3"
return $ Test one two three -- ...
-- ... and so on because I have a data type with many fields
-- I want to fold them onto the data constructor instead
return $ foldl (\f s -> getn s >>= f) (Test) options
-- but I think this doesn't type check because f's type is constantly changing?
print rv
In the above code I have a lambda with a very polymorphic type foldl (\f s -> getn s >>= f)
. From what I can tell, this causes it to not typecheck in its following recursions.
I think that I can use the RankNTypes language extension for my purpose to define a polymorphic recursive type that can represent any partial application of a function and, hence, allow the function to typecheck. With experimentation, much trial and equal amounts of error, though, I have been unable to come up with anything which compiles.
I would be very grateful if somebody can show me how to implement the RankNTypes extension in terms of the example code above (or suggest alternatives). I'm using GHC 7.4.2.