您可以创建一个 Umbraco 节点(文档)、写入它并从控制台应用程序保存它。Umbraco 基本上是一堆 .Net 库:
//Get the type you would like to use by its alias and the user who should be the creator of the document
DocumentType dt = DocumentType.GetByAlias("Textpage");
User author = User.GetUser(0);
//create a document with a name, a type, an umbraco user, and the ID of the document's parent page. To create a document at the root of umbraco, use the id -1
Document doc = Document.MakeNew("My new document", dt, author, 1018);
// Get the properties you wish to modify by it's alias and set their value
doc.getProperty("bodyText").Value = "<p>Your body text</p>";
doc.getProperty("articleDate").Value = DateTime.Now;
//after creating the document, prepare it for publishing
//Tell umbraco to publish the document