I have an array of doubles and I want to select a value from it with the probability of each value being selected being inversely proportional to its value. For example:
arr[0] = 100
arr[1] = 200
In this example, element 0 would have a 66% of being selected and element 1 a 33% chance. I am having difficulty coding this. What I have done so far is to calculate the total value of the array (the example would be 300), then I've played around with inversing the numbers before calculating them as a percentage of the total. I can't get anything to work. In the end I desire:
new randomNumber
for(int y=0; y < probabilities.length; y++){
if(randomNumber < probabilities[y]){
Select probabilities[y]
Or something to that affect. Any help? Coding is in Java but I can adapt any pseudocode.