Consider the following test code:
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
using std::vector;
using std::array;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
typedef unsigned int uint;
double TestFutures()
return 1;
void DoWork()
const uint nPoints=50;
const uint nThreads=100;
vector<double> results(nThreads,0);
// For each data point...
for (uint k=0; k<nPoints; ++k) {
// ... launch the threads
vector<std::future<double> > values;
for (uint w=0; w<nThreads; ++w) {
// ... and now read the results
for (uint w=0; w<nThreads; ++w) {
results[w]+= values[w].get();
int main()
const uint nTimes=50;
for (uint k=0; k<nTimes; ++k) {
cout << "Cycle: " << k << endl;
I compile it in Qt 5.0.1, MinGW 4.7.2, Qt Creator 2.6.2. Then I run it, either in the debugger, or stand alone, release or debug version. If I monitor the memory usage, it increases monotonically during the execution of the loops. By increasing the variable nTimes in the main function, I can make the program allocate an arbitrary amount of memory (I have tried up to 1Gb). I monitor the memory usage with task manager or procexp.
If I then take the same code and compile it and run it under MS Visual Studio Express 2012, the memory usage remains stable during the loop. This, I think, is what you would expect, as the vector of futures should be destroyed after each k-iteration.
I am not sure, but I believe the problem then lies on Qt or MinGW. Actually, I suspect it might be a problem with MinGW. But before I report it to the developers, I would like to ask other kind users to verify this issue. (I'd love to be wrong!)
Just to let you know, I still have the same issue if I substitute the vector of futures with an array, i.e. this DoWork() routine:
void DoWork()
const uint nPoints=50;
const uint nThreads=100;
vector<double> results(nThreads,0);
// For each data point...
for (uint k=0; k<nPoints; ++k) {
// ... launch the threads
array<std::future<double>,nThreads> values;
for (uint w=0; w<nThreads; ++w) {
// ... and now read the results
for (uint w=0; w<nThreads; ++w) {
results[w]+= values[w].get();