是否可以使用 QBSDK 向 Quickbooks 添加菜单项?
我为我的公司创建了一个自定义应用程序,并试图通过在 Quickbooks 中创建一个菜单项来简化它。
这是我迄今为止尝试过的,但我在 subAdd.SubscriberID.SetValue(Me.appGUID.ToString) 处收到一条错误消息。
错误是:* GUID 格式无效。必须为自定义字段使用零,或使用 GuidGen.exe 生成的 GUID 用于私有数据扩展。*
Dim subRq As ISubscriptionMsgSetRequest
subRq = MySessionManager.CreateSubscriptionMsgSetRequest(4, 0)
' Add a UIExtension subscription to our request
Dim subAdd As IUIExtensionSubscriptionAdd
subAdd = subRq.AppendUIExtensionSubscriptionAddRq
' set up the subscription request with the required information, we're adding to
' the file menu in this case, and just for fun, we're making it a cascading menu
subAdd.SubscriberID.SetValue(Me.appGUID.ToString) "<-----error happens here
' For the cascade fun, we're just going to add items to the cascade menu...
Dim subMenu As IMenuItem
For i = 1 To 5
subMenu = subAdd.MenuExtensionSubscription.ORMenuSubmenu.Submenu.MenuItemList.Append
' this is the text that the user will see in QuickBooks:
subMenu.MenuText.SetValue("Sub Item " & i)
' this is the tag we'll get in our event handler to know which menu item was
' selected:
subMenu.EventTag.SetValue("SubMenu" & i)
Next i
' Send the request and get the response, since we're sending only one request there
' will be only one response in the response list
Dim subRs As ISubscriptionMsgSetResponse
subRs = MySessionManager.DoSubscriptionRequests(subRq)
Dim resp As IResponse
' Check the response and display an appropriate message to the user.
resp = subRs.ResponseList.GetAt(0)
If (resp.StatusCode = 0) Then
MsgBox("Successfully added to QuickBooks File menu, restart QuickBooks to see results")
MsgBox("Could not add to QuickBooks menu: " & resp.StatusMessage)
End If
MySessionManager = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox("Encountered error subscribing: " & Err.Description)
If Not MySessionManager Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub